What is Guardianship &/or Administration?
When an adult is unable to make decisions on their own behalf the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT)can appoint a guardian to act on their behalf.
Guardianship is where someone with a disability cannot make a decision or make reasonable judgments about their lifestyle and personal matters. Sometimes there can be different views between family members and VCAT can appoint someone where the different views cannot be resolved.
Depending on the nature of the order from VCAT the guardian can make decisions concerning health matters, accommodation, access to services and social matters.

When an adult is unable to make decisions on their own behalf the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) can appoint an administrator to act on their behalf.
Administration is where someone with a disability cannot make a decision or make reasonable judgments about their financial or property matters. Sometimes there can be different views between family members and VCAT can appoint someone where the different views cannot be resolved.
Depending on the nature of the order from VCAT the administrator can make decisions concerning financial decision, property matters and access to financial information. The administrator cannot not make a personal and lifestyle decisions. These can include where the affected person chooses where to live. An application can only be made when there is a decision is needed to be made.
Estate Planning & Wills
Estate Planning | Making Your Will | Updating Your Will | Will Trusts | Power of Attorney | Guardianship